Filou Fitt Gives Theo Dore A Cum Facial Right Before His Girlfriend Catches Him In “Forget My Sister, Fuck Me!”

Posted February 8, 2025 by with 6 comments

You guys just can’t get enough shrieking harpies in gay porn, so here’s the second one this week on

This time, the lady is playing Filou Fitt’s girlfriend, and you’ll never guess what happens when she walks in on Filou giving her brother, Theo Dore, a cum facial:


As the headline states, this scene is titled “Forget My Sister, Fuck Me!” and that’s obviously a convincing request from Theo, because instead of fucking Theo’s sister, Filou does in fact fuck Theo.

Filou Fitt’s cum shots never disappoint, and this is an iconic facial, with the jizz draped and dripping perfectly down Theo’s face:


The woman kills the mood in the final few seconds of the video, but Filou’s fucking is so good, this is still worth watching. Plus, you can just turn the scene off before the screaming girlfriend barges in. More from “Forget My Sister, Fuck Me!“:


Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Filou Fitt Fucks Theo Dore Bareback]

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