First Gay And Lesbian Sex Robots Coming Soon

Posted December 3, 2021 by with 9 comments

No offense, but the gay male one is kind of ugly, tbh. Via tabloid The Sun:

The first lesbian [and gay] sex robots may be coming soon as sexbots start being programmed as gay. American adult toy and robotics company RealDoll are attempting to enter the LGBTQ market with their upcoming sexbot.

In 2019, RealDoll famously created Harmony, a “bisexual flavor” AI sex robot with an animatronic head and Scottish accent. Now, the company will soon roll out its first-ever male sex robot, Henry.

In an Instagram video posted by company representative Brick Dollbanger, Matt McMullen, CEO of RealDoll subdivision Realbotix, said developing Henry’s AI software was “complicated”.

McMullen said: “Not only do we need to create a different gender, we also need to create a sexual preference in the profile, and this would be something that would also propagate to the female platform as well.”

Henry will come equipped with artificial intelligence and a fully-functioning penis strong enough to “lift trucks.” The CEO said he hopes to release Henry sometime in 2022, saying the company still needs to develop its artificial intelligence and a fully-functioning “bionic penis“.

[Sun: Sexbots start being programmed to be gay]

The video of bisexual “Harmony,” if you feel like being creeped out:

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