Florida Man Arrested For Masturbating In Public Said He Had To Ejaculate Due To “Rectum Issues”

Posted April 12, 2023 by with 4 comments

Via The Smoking Gun:

Upon arriving at the scene, officers encountered Jason Roach, with whom they were already familiar. The 40-year-old Roach, cops reported, had been questioned twice the prior evening in connection with alleged masturbation incidents at an Arby’s restaurant and a Wawa convenience store.

In both instances, Roach “stopped and went on his way,” according to a court filing. The third time, however, was not the charm.

A witness told police that Roach (seen above) “was naked and touching himself in the motion of masturbating” while near the Speedway around 6 AM.

When questioned about his activities, Roach reportedly said that he “was having issues with his rectum and in order to get rid of that pain he has to ejaculate.”


Roach is still in jail and being held on $50,000 bond. Details at the link.

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