Florida Priest Arrested For BITING Gay Parishioner During Communion
[gif of Father Joel Birkin and Kevin Warhol, who are NOT the priest and parishioner involved in the story below, via BelAmi]
Via WFTV in Florida (of course), a priest has been arrested and charged with battery for allegedly biting a lesbian who had a confrontation with him during communion when, she says, “He wouldn’t give me the cookie.” The woman thinks it might’ve been because she’s gay, but the priest denies this:
A YouTube comment from someone who claims to have been inside the church during the incident:
What a misleading title, that’s not what happened. I was there: 1. The communion was denied to the person because it was obvious she didn’t know the process (which ALL have to follow to receive). Despite being explained this she returned to try again 2. The priest did NOT try to shove the host (not a cookie) in her mouth: You receive comminion directly to the mouth or hand ONLY if you put your hands out, which she did not do thus the priest offered it to her mouth. 3. She started the incident by forcefully grabbing the dish with the other hosts inside and even though the priest told her to stop she continued anyway. You don’t have a right to take something from someone even if it is just “bread”. 4. That person is not a member of this church and has never been seen prior to these masses You’re coverage of this is ridiculous and amateur, and also “that guy” is Father Derek, a simple Google search would have told you that. What laziness in journalism.