Exclusive: Gay Porn Star Kyle Connors Is Now A Christian Who’s Been “Saved,” Says LGBT Pride Goes Against God And Gay Porn Is A “World Of Sin”

Posted June 24, 2022 by with 98 comments

Surprise! Here’s a retirement I definitely did not see coming. I always assumed gay (for pay?) porn star Kyle Connors (no relation to Cristal) was a full-blown homosexual who enjoyed performing in gay porn (after all, just a few days ago, he was fingering Roman Todd’s cum into his hole while busting a nut), but it turns out, Kyle was actually led astray (presumably by Satan) into the “world of sin” that is gay porn, and he’s recently found Jesus. Now, Kyle Connors is a former gay porn star who has escaped the evils of man-on-man butt fucking, as he revealed in a series of Facebook comments and posts that Str8Up has reviewed, starting with the one seen above (on the left), in which he shows his opposition to LGBT Pride.

Here’s the full post (without the pic of Kyle being fucked up the ass next to it), and note that while Kyle’s legal name and part of his profile picture featuring a minor have been redacted, Str8Up has confirmed that this is his Facebook page:

After posting that, replies from Kyle Connors’ friends and gay porn co-workers started flooding in, prompting Kyle to respond with comments detailing his Born Again journey and his life as a former gay porn star. Here was one back-and-forth that Kyle had with gay porn star Cesar Xes:

In a follow-up reply to Cesar (in which Cesar had accused Kyle of deleting his comment), Kyle said that he’s “not ashamed” of his past, telling Cesar, “You screwed me, literally.”

Later, Kyle responded to a girl named Holly who asked if he had “been with a man,” and he explained that he became a gay porn star because he “needed to provide for a child.” With regard to the gay porn industry, he went on to state, “The enemy will get you at your lowest and usually use your good intentions against you. I embraced a world of sin. I’ll answer for that.”

In addition to this Facebook post and the ensuing comments (nearly all of which are in disagreement with Kyle Connors), Kyle Connors has posted several other anti-LGBT memes and right-wing religious nonsense over the last week, including this cartoon of a parent “shielding” their children from a Pride flag:

Here, just as a reminder, was Kyle Connors being double-penetated bareback in a gay porn scene earlier this year (since he’s not ashamed of his past):

And, of course, a post from Kyle Connors today celebrating the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and expanding gun rights:

And here’s another cartoon Kyle Connors shared, featuring another parent “protecting” their children from the gays:

And again, Kyle Connors complaining about Pride flags:

Kyle Connors’ obsession with spreading anti-gay propaganda (there were at least four other anti-gay posts from him in the last week) indicates that his “spiritual path” is much more about his own hatred and guilt than it is about his love for Jesus or Christianity. But, since he claimed to not be ashamed of his past, Kyle Connors certainly won’t mind the fact that this video of himself fingering another man’s cum inside his asshole while calling himself a “worthless slut” will live forever, just like the Holy Spirit now lives inside his heart. Praise be:

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