Former Helix Models Levi Rhodes And Eli Bennet Clash Over Incident That Left Bennet With Bloodied Face, While Rhodes Defends Use Of N-Word By Claiming To Be Black

Posted May 18, 2021 by with 74 comments

Former Helix models Levi Rhodes and Eli Bennet (it’s not clear when Rhodes quit, but Bennet made headlines two weeks ago when he resigned from the twink-centric gay porn studio) are hashing it out on Twitter today over an alleged violent incident that left Bennet with a bloodied face. Making matters worse, Rhodes’ response to Bennet’s injury included use of the n-word—and it actually gets even worse from there. But first, how did it all start?

Earlier today, Levi Rhodes posted the below tweet, claiming that performer Jesse Bolton struck, hit, or somehow injured him, causing the bloodied eyebrow in the below photo. The altercation, according to Rhodes, stemmed from Rhodes fucking Bolton’s boyfriend during a group content collab event they all attended with several other models:

According to Bolton, he “fucked up” Rhodes as an “act of self defense,” because “that child is an absolute nut job and was begging for it”:

After seeing Rhodes’ bloodied face and accusations this morning, Bennet replied to Rhodes with a reminder of the injury he says Rhodes inflicted on him during production of Helix’s “Quiet On Set” earlier this year:

Bennet went on to show that, after being confronted for his violent behavior, Rhodes used the n-word to address Bennet:

Eli Bennet also posted this video message he received from Levi Rhodes, in which Rhodes hurls multiple insults at Bennet before claiming that he “accidentally pushed” Bennet (which is what caused Bennet’s injury):

In response to Bennet’s posting of the video, Rhodes wrote back, “You’re literally the epitome of disgusting, no wonder no one wants to fuck you. Besides these old disgusting people that don’t make it worth it. At least I actually have great fans, people who actually care about me. Not just my ass which is definitely tighter than your loose ass”:

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, when called out by a fan for his use of the n-word, Levi Rhodes defended himself by claiming to be “blood related to African American families” (more than one? really?), and that he is “Indian, meaning browner than most.”

Here’s “browner than most” Levi Rhodes with an early contender for the most cringe tweet of the year:

Here’s a photo of “browner than most” Levi Rhodes:

Finally, back to how this all started today. For those wondering, Jesse Bolton’s boyfriend—whom Levi Rhodes fucked at the content collab—is none other than muscle daddy Jax Thirio. Early this morning, Rhodes (pictured below, center) taunted Bolton by posting this photo and writing, “This is why you’re mad, the way [Jax Thirio] looks at other guys and not you”:

In response, Bolton replied to Rhodes by telling him, “Honey I didn’t like that you overstepped your boundaries and were incredibly disrespectful. Everyone fucked my boyfriend for content. It’s what we do”:

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