A Brief History Of FraternityX’s Bongs

Posted March 2, 2016 by with 14 comments


Did you miss gay porn star Tom Faulk and his bong? Gay porn’s most beloved stoner is back on FraternityX.com today, and he still can’t put down his bong. (Although, judging by the length of his hair, which he cut back in September, this scene was probably filmed at least a year ago.)

FX114A_3What else is there to say about today’s FraternityX update that hasn’t been said before? It’d be nice if they changed up the formula, the setting, or the cast. To be fair, at least they’ve changed the bongs. Tom’s bong today looks red, but here’s Tom with what appears to be an orange bong last summer: Untitled

FraternityX also uses clear, glass bongs:

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And who could forget their fun green bong?

frat-boy-rape fx094_2

Which bong is your fave?

fratxTrailer for today’s scene, which features bong rips, blowjobs, and a “bitch” being gangbanged over and over again (full scene here):

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[FraternityX: Tom Faulk Takes Bong Rips While Gangbanging A Bottom Bitch]

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