Gay Anal And Oral Sex Is Fueling The Spread Of Monkeypox

Posted August 17, 2022 by with 16 comments

Experts are now saying that skin-to-skin contact isn’t causing the monkeypox spread so much as the actual anal and oral gay sex that gay men are having, but I don’t know why this makes a difference or how these experts are able to differentiate the behaviors? If you’ve having skin-to-skin contact, aren’t you probably fucking at the same time, or aren’t you probably about to fuck? Via NBC:

[A]n expanding cadre of experts has come to believe that sex between men itself — both anal as well as oral intercourse — is likely the main driver of global monkeypox transmission. The skin contact that comes with sex, these experts say, is probably much less of a risk factor.

In recent weeks, a growing body of scientific evidence — including a trio of studies published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as reports from national, regional and global health authorities — has suggested that experts may have framed monkeypox’s typical transmission route precisely backward.

“A growing body of evidence supports that sexual transmission, particularly through seminal fluids, is occurring with the current MPX outbreak,” said Dr. Aniruddha Hazra, medical director of the University of Chicago Sexual Wellness Clinic, referring to monkeypox and to recent studies that found the virus in semen.

On Aug. 14, Dr. Jeffrey Klausner, an infectious disease physician at the University of Southern California, and Dr. Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, a resident physician in global health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, published an essay on Medium in which they reviewed the science supporting the argument that during the current outbreak, monkeypox is largely transmitting through anal and oral intercourse between men.

“It looks very clear to us that this is an infection that is transmitting sexually the vast majority of the time,” Allan-Blitz said.


I’ve always assumed that close contact involving touching another person could cause a transmission, but now this is making it sound like you can give hugs or even dry hump(??) someone totally naked and not be at risk? Thanks, but I’m still gonna pass for now. (In addition to not wanting monkeypox, I also don’t want COVID.)

The obvious way to not get monkeypox, of course, is to not have sex unless you’ve received the monkeypox vaccine. Unfortunately, you’re not really allowed to tell gays not to fuck without being labeled a homophobic sex-shaming prude, so please don’t repeat that tip (and you definitely didn’t hear it from me).

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