Gay Couple Attacked By Deranged Homophobic Teens In D.C.: “Monkeypox Faggots!”

Posted August 10, 2022 by with 2 comments

Sadly, this sort of escalation into violence and bigotry is the way things always end up in this disgusting, decrepit, and hate-filled shithole country. Via ABC:

Police in Washington, D.C., are investigating a suspected hate crime after two men were punched by assailants who hurled a gay slur at them while referencing monkeypox, according to a police report.

The incident occurred Sunday afternoon in Northwest D.C., according to a public incident report from the Metropolitan Police Department.

The two men were walking on Seventh Street NW when the suspects approached them and called them “monkeypox f—–s,” according to the report. The suspects “punched them several times” before fleeing, according to the report. One of the victim’s sunglasses were damaged in the attack, according to police.


Image of one of the victims (and his bloodied shirt) via MetroWeekly:

Images of the two alleged suspects, via NBC:

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