Battle Of The Gay Porn Newcomers: Horny White Twink Vs. Big-Balled Soccer Player Vs. Thick-Cocked Baseball Jock

Posted June 20, 2016 by with 16 comments

gay porn newcomers 8The three best gay porn newcomers to emerge over the weekend and today are presented below. Which one is your fave? Don’t forget to vote in this week’s poll.

First, ChaosMen offers up Clayton, a petite white twink with a 7.5 inch cock. He says he “enjoy[s] a dark skin tone…men of color, Latino and black.” They should pair him with Gerard so he can be annihilated.

1790_chaosmen_clayton_solo_hires_055 1790_chaosmen_clayton_solo_hires_027 1790_chaosmen_clayton_solo_hires_058Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ChaosMen: Clayton]

Next, it’s GayHoopla’s baseball jock Cody Frost. As of post time, it’s unclear if he’ll be back for a duo.

gayhoopla-cody-frost-04 gayhoopla-cody-frost-23 gayhoopla-cody-frost-13Cody Frost’s scene description on GayHoopla: “Watch this young jock stroke his big Jewish cock for everyone. Love me a big juicy kosher Jewish cock!” Interesting way to put it, but they aren’t wrong about that big cock. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[GayHoopla: Cody Frost]

Finally, newcomer Josh Brady skips the solo to make his gay porn debut in a duo scene with powerbottom Logan Cross. This beefy (compared to other Helix models) and big-balled soccer jock has come out of nowhere, and he’s a great addition to the Helix roster.

Soccer-Hotties-006 Soccer-Hotties-012 Soccer-Hotties-014 Soccer-Hotties-022 Soccer-Hotties-025Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Helix: Josh Brady Fucks Logan Cross]

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