Which One Of These GayHoopla Models Would You Like To Fuck?

Posted November 18, 2015 by with 27 comments

contest-winnerHave you ever wanted to fuck one of the horse-hung muscle jocks at GayHoopla? If so, today’s your lucky day! Here is a new contest you can enter, if you’re a member of GayHoopla:


1. Must be a member of @GayHoopla
2. Must be 18 years or older
3. Must be able and willing to bottom and suck cock
4. Must be willing to be filmed and seen on @GayHoopla as one of our featured updates.
5. Must submit pictures to help@gayhoopla.com with your active member username and desired GayHoopla model to get fucked by.
6. Scene WILL be a CONDOM scene!

Winner will be chosen and flown out to get fucked a few days before Christmas! We will also pay for all food and lodging! It will be GayHoopla’s gift to you! Winner will be chosen December 1st, 2015.

They don’t say who the model will be, but it will most likely be one of the site’s more popular stars. They also don’t say how they’ll choose a winner, but they’ll presumably pick a contestant who is hot?

If you want to enter, join GayHoopla here and send them your pics. Then, let them know who you want to fuck you (it sounds like they’re looking for a bottom, not a top).

Whether you enter the contest or not, which GayHoopla model would you bottom for IRL?

chris-kohler+gayhoopla+7Chris Kohler?

tumblr_mrr4pqyDaN1sq3z01o8_500Dmitry Dickov?

Sean-Costin-Muscle-Hunk-Gay-Porn-Star-4Sean Costin?

brad-spear-2Jarod Spear?

colemoney4Cole Money?

max-summerfield+gayhoopla-4Max Summerfield?

michaelghevansmainMichael Evans?

sebastian-hook2Sebastian Hook?

tumblr_nij1atAX021qc063no1_500Ryan Winter?

Don’t forget to enter the contest here after you join GayHoopla.

AND: Here’s the latest GayHoopla video, a flip-fuck with Sean Costin and Michael Evans (watch full video here):

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[GayHoopla: Sean Costin And Michael Evans Flip-Fuck]

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