Gay Porn Rematch: Josh Moore Fucks Dean Young In “First Mission”

Posted February 1, 2023 by with 20 comments

It’s a British blond bombshell rematch at FalconNakedSword today, as horse-hung top Josh Moore is fucking Dean Young bareback for the second time in a new video. Their first time together was also at FalconNakedSword, but that was back in 2021 when they had different haircuts (and the Photoshop wasn’t as good, clearly). Josh and Dean in 2021 vs. Josh and Dean in 2023:

They’re still hot together and have much better chemistry this time around, so I won’t complain about the rematch.

Here’s more of Josh fucking Dean’s ass for the second time in the oddly-titled movie “First Mission,” which is actually the second sequel to a movie with an even worse title, “The Swords.” The first sequel was called “Physical Evaluations” (huh?), for anyone bothering to try and keep track at home.

Note that in the trailer below, you’ll get to see perhaps the most poorly edited fake slap in the history of gay porn. When Cade Maddox (he has a cameo in the scene) goes to smack Dean’s face, the “slap” sound is edited in about one second too early, which you’ll hear at about :06. Maybe it was done this way intentionally, as a joke? Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[FalconNakedSword: Josh Moore Fucks Dean Young Bareback]

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