[UPDATED] Exclusive: HungYoungBrit’s Gay Porn Star George Mason Arrested In London For Filming Bareback Three-Way On London Underground

Posted February 1, 2019 by with 62 comments


HungYoungBrit gay porn star George Mason was sentenced today in a London court after pleading guilty to “outraging public decency” for filming an orgy on a London Underground train, and it looks like he got off (pun definitely intended) fairly easy. Mason was fined £1,000 and was ordered to perform 18 months of community service. His co-star (and former boyfriend) in the sex tape was also given community service (12 months) and a fine (just £170). Mason’s sentence was harsher because he uploaded video of the fuckfest to social media (not to mention his website, HungYoungBrit), and “the judge felt that exacerbated the crime,” a source from HungYoungBrit tells Str8UpGayPorn.

The source went on to tell Str8Up, “[George] knows that filming on the train was a mistake, and that he went too far in his quest to film reality porn. He will certainly not film in public in the UK again.”

It’s yet to be determined where Mason will serve his community service.


Original story posted January 14th, 2019:

Reminder for porn stars who like to film their fuckfests in public: If you’re going to post them online, at least edit out the signs and other identifying information that police might use to track you down? That’s what happened to the stars of a HungYoungBrit bareback three-way that was filmed on a London Underground train, unfortunately, after a remarkable police investigation began nearly a year ago when video of the orgy was posted on the studio’s website. Here are stills from the three-way in question—featuring HungYoungBrit’s main star George Mason—which has since been removed from the HungYoungBrit website:

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Also, maybe don’t explicitly state exactly where you illegally filmed yourself fucking in the intro to your video? LOL:

shockHungYoungBrit’s George Mason and one of the three-way participants, Nicholas Mullan, were arrested in London last year after someone viewed the HungYoungBrit three-way online and then reported the video to authorities. It’s not clear who reported the video, but I’m assuming it’s someone with a grudge against Mason or Mullan?

5Police were able to identify Mason and Mullan (the face of the third man in the video has been pixelated, and apparently neither Mason nor Mullan were asked by authorities to identify him?) and where their fuckfest occurred on the tube in London, and then the arrests were made. I wonder if any of the cops got turned on while watching Mason and Mullan fuck?

7 8Last Friday, Mason (he’s the top in the photo above, and he’s on the left in the photo below) and Mullan each pleaded guilty to one count of “outraging public decency,” and here they are leaving court, via The Sun:

NINTCHDBPICT000461136382More, via London tabloid The Sun:

Nicholas Mullan, 24, and George Mason, 35, engaged in an array of sex activities which they filmed on the Northern Line between Leicester Square and Waterloo. Prosecutors say another man was involved in the astonishing incident. The two men appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court on Friday and pleaded guilty to one count of outraging public decency.

She added a British Transport Police investigation later identified two of the three men – the third is thought to have escaped identification because their face was pixilated.

George Mason and his friend will be sentenced on February 1st.

Str8UpGayPorn reached out to HungYoungBrit for comment on how Mason is doing and what he expects his sentence to be, and the studio tells me that he’s expecting the sentence to be a fine, with no jail time. “George has no prior record,” a studio representative tells Str8UpGayPorn. The rep went on to state that “[George] is going to stay on the right side of the law for a while and film indoors—or outdoors, but in secluded, private areas.”

The rep added, “George was pretty scared and freaked out at first, but he’s feeling better now that he knows the outcome. But he’s such a sex addict, I don’t know for how long he’ll be able to stay out of trouble.”

Well, of course.

Here’s the trailer for the three-way that landed George Mason and his Underground fuckbuddy in court. (Again, this video has been pulled from HungYoungBrit, but there are other George Mason videos on the site.)

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