Half Of Gays Say They’ve Cut Back On Fucking During Monkeypox Pandemic

Posted August 22, 2022 by with 3 comments

Roughly half of gay men say they’ve reduced the number of sex partners they’ve had recently in order to avoid catching monkeypox. The other half continued being unabashed deviant whores. Via TheHill:

Roughly half of men who have sex with men have reported reducing their number of sexual partners and encounters in response to the monkeypox outbreak, according to a survey released on Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Forty-eight percent of the poll’s participants said they reduced their number of sexual partners, 50 percent reduced their number of one-time sexual encounters, and 49 percent reduced how much sex they had with partners they met through dating apps or sexual venues.

Public health bodies including the World Health Organization and the CDC have recommended that men who have sex with men consider reducing their number of sexual partners amid the ongoing monkeypox outbreak.

However, local public health officials have been cautious to recommend an abstinence-only approach during the outbreak, with many pointing out that this strategy is unlikely to be effective, though it was favored by the federal government when facing the HIV/AIDS epidemic during the 1980s and 1990s.


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