Happy Cocktober: Joe Biden’s Big-Dicked Brother Admits Naked Selfie Is His, Claims Phone Was “Hacked”

Posted October 9, 2023 by with 6 comments

Well, it is Cocktober! Because with all the chaos in the world, the one thing everyone needed was another Biden family dick pic. The owner of the Biden junk this time is not Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, it’s Joe Biden’s younger brother, Frank. Via right-wing tabloid DailyMail (of course):

A naked selfie of Joe Biden‘s brother Frank has been discovered on a gay porn site.

The photo was uploaded to GuysWithiPhones.com in 2018, when Frank – who has a long-term female partner Mindy Ward – was 64. Even after more than five years, it is still live on the site.

It was first unearthed by right wing nonprofit Marco Polo, which has been investigating the Biden family for alleged political corruption and crimes for years.

When approached by DailyMail.com, Frank, 69, conceded he was the man in the photo but denied he was the one who posted it.

“I’ve absolutely no comment. I could care less. I haven’t even looked at it,” Frank said Monday morning when asked about the shot at his Florida home.

“They must have hacked my phone,” he added. “Anything that is a revealing picture of some kind is between Mindy and me. I really don’t want to start my day off this way,” said Frank. “Definitely didn’t post it anywhere.”

Site metadata and a watermark on the photo says it was posted on May 23, 2018.

Appreciative comments on the picture include: “Daddy take me away!”, “a hot dilf,” and “Make me your bitch, Daddy!”


Because it’s a nude photo that Frank Biden claims he didn’t post, Str8Up won’t post the uncensored version here. But, it’s been literally all over the internet for your viewing pleasure since 2018. For what it’s worth, big-dicked Biden certainly has nothing to be ashamed of, although it’s really weird to see an old man with completely shaved pubes.

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