Mickey Knox Gets Caught Sucking Hazel Hoffman’s Cock On The Side Of The Road, And You’ll Never Guess What Happens Next

Posted November 16, 2023 by with 11 comments

Just kidding, no one catches Mickey Knox sucking Hazel Hoffman’s cock on the side of the road, but the way ColbyKnox staged these “omg!” photos, it almost looks that way.

A couple of these photos are deliberately corny, but most of them are simply stunning. Hazel Hoffman is so cute it’s crazy, and his smile is making me melt.

I love when guys suck cock like this, with the big dick stuffed inside their mouth and pushing on the side of their cheek.

Bottoms please take note of Mickey Knox’s perfect arch as Hazel Hoffman pumps him from behind. And, my god, everyone please take note of big-balled Hazel Hoffman’s insanely ripped twunk body. I’m so glad he’s been so busy as one of the best newcomers this year, because he is the moment. More of the flawless roadside fuckfest:

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ColbyKnox: Hazel Hoffman Fucks Mickey Knox Bareback]

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