Helix Update: Blake And Casey Reunited, Evan Parker, Justin Owen, And More!

Posted April 25, 2016 by with 24 comments

13087560_10153384631560672_2930151103178765398_nTwo new Helix scenes were released over the last few days, plus one of the studio’s most infamous on-again/off-again gay porn power couples is back “on”—but were they ever really “off” to begin with? I’m of course talking about Helix Studios’ Casey Tanner and Blake Mitchell (above), who have been tweeting relentlessly about their split and their undying love for each other for weeks. Remember last March?

bm1 ctannerCut to this weekend, when the couple were reunited. Surprise:

blcWhile no reason was ever given for their initial split, some have speculated that the long distance relationship (Casey Tanner lives in San Diego, while Blake Mitchell lives in Seattle) was taking a toll on the couple. How long will their reunion last? Stay tuned.

Neither Casey nor Blake are appearing in any Helix sex scenes this week, but Justin Owen and Troy Accola are, and they look hot as fuck together:

Suds--Buds-005 Suds--Buds-011 Suds--Buds-012 Suds--Buds-015 Suds--Buds-023Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Helix Studios: Justin Owen Fucks Troy Accola]

Also new on Helix over the weekend, big-dicked powerbottom Zach Taylor gets fucked by fan favorite Evan Parker:

Your-Place-or-Mine-012 Your-Place-or-Mine-026 Your-Place-or-Mine-040Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[Helix Studios: Evan Parker Fucks Zach Taylor]



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