Hell On Earth: Livestream Of Tonight’s Presidential Debate

Posted June 27, 2024 by with 1 comment

Remember when people watched presidential debates to become informed about a candidate’s positions and to identify contrasts between the candidates in order to make the best decision at the ballot box? Haha, those days are over, and we’ve now devolved into Train Wreck TV starring two demented old goons who can barely walk, speak, or even think. As convicted felon Trump foams at the mouth and Biden wanders into the abyss, viewers aren’t just expecting a dumpster fire, they’re looking forward to one! CNN’s delusionally earnest promotion of the geriatric cage match—it’s “the most consequential night in American history!”—is hilarious when you consider that the only reason anyone is watching is because they want to witness a shitshow. Me, I’m just hoping one of them drops dead on stage (preferably Trump, obviously, but if it is Biden, at least we’d get a new candidate and a guaranteed win in November). Not one voter’s mind will be changed by tonight’s event, but this is what is being forced upon us by the corporate billionaires who own and operate this country, and I suppose we’re all just playing along (what the hell else are we supposed to do while the world burns around us?), so here’s the livestream of tonight’s “debate,” starting at 6 p.m. PST. Pray for a bloodbath, literally:

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