Hillary Clinton Meets With Gay Porn Star Gavin Waters For $1,000

Posted October 10, 2015 by with 60 comments

1009-hilary-clinton-gavin-waters-instagram-3It’s certainly not the most damaging scandal she’s ever been involved in, but it’s a fun visual nonetheless.

TMZ is reporting on a recent Hillary Clinton fundraiser in Texas, where one of the donors and attendees was none other than gay porn star Gavin Waters, who posted the above photo to Instagram. A photo-op—for which Waters reportedly paid $1,000—with a gay porn star actually isn’t too shocking when you consider that Hillary (and every politician) will pose with pretty much anyone who’s giving her money.

TMZ incorrectly writes that Gavin Waters has been retired from gay porn “for a few years,” when in fact his new Hot House scene with Colton Grey, which was filmed in February, was just released four months ago. But as Hillary might say, what difference does it make?


hillary gay porn 2hillary gay porn 4hillary gay porn 3hillary clintron gay pornICYMI, trailer for Gavin Waters fucking Colton Grey (watch full scene here):

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[Hot House: Gavin Waters Fucks Colton Grey]

Those of you with good memories will recall that this isn’t the first time a member of the Clinton family has been photographed with a gay porn star. Nearly five years ago at The Sword, I reported on Bill Clinton’s meeting with former ActiveDuty.com gay porn star David Townsend (a.k.a. David Bradberry). Say what you will about the Clintons, but at least they have good taste in gay porn stars.



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