Horny Bison Rams Car In Yellowstone Park

Posted August 23, 2022 by with 2 comments

It’s mating or “rutting” season for bison right now, and as you can see in the video below, one of the horny beasts got carried away while stopped on the side of the road near Yellowstone Park last week. Maybe he thought the car was a potential mate, or perhaps he saw it as a rival? Via Newsweek:

According to the National Park Service (NPS), bison are slowly migrating to the Lamar and Hayden valleys in Yellowstone, a sign that it is rutting, or mating, season.

During the rut, which usually lasts from mid-July through September, bison in the park come together in large numbers to mate. During this period, bison socialize with one another as the males compete for females.

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