“Hundreds” Likely Infected With Polio As Tests Show Virus In NY Wastewater

Posted August 6, 2022 by with 5 comments

I’m not sure how this many people can have polio, given that the polio vaccine is required for everyone who attends public school in this country, but apparently there are enough anti-vaxxers in New York for the virus to have already infected hundreds of people, based on samples found in wastewater. Get ready for an upcoming pandemic triology (monkeypox, COVID, polio), and then maybe people will finally face the reality that the United States is a third world country that’s been masquerading as a superpower for the last 40 years. Via CBS:

New York state health officials have found indications of additional cases of polio virus in wastewater samples from two different counties, leading them to warn that hundreds of people may be infected with the potentially serious virus.

Just two weeks ago, the New York Health Department reported the nation’s first case of polio in almost a decade, in Rockland County, north of New York City. Officials said that case occurred in a previously healthy young adult who was unvaccinated and developed paralysis in their legs.

“Based on earlier polio outbreaks, New Yorkers should know that for every one case of paralytic polio observed, there may be hundreds of other people infected,” State Health Commissioner Dr. Mary T. Bassett said. “Coupled with the latest wastewater findings, the Department is treating the single case of polio as just the tip of the iceberg of much greater potential spread. As we learn more, what we do know is clear: the danger of polio is present in New York today.”


Via NBC:

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