Hunter Biden Says Fixation On His 9-Inch Penis Is Due To Body Dysmorphia

Posted August 7, 2022 by with 10 comments

Hunter Biden’s laptop is the gift that keeps on giving (nothing says “America” like laptop videos of the President’s son smoking crack while a hooker gives him a footjob), and now a hard drive note has been found in which Hunter talks about his obsession with his nine-inch penis, attributing it to “body dysmorphia.” Via right-wing tabloid NewYorkPost:

Hunter Biden said his obsession with naked selfies was a result of “body dysmorphia,” according to a rambling screed found in the notes of his hard drive.

“I loved to be reassured that my 9-inch very big penis was actually big. It may sound funny to you but its [sic] body dysmorphia … I know my penis is almost twice the size of an average man’s penis,” the first son wrote on July 12, 2018. The note was found in the hard drive of a laptop Biden left at a Delaware computer store in April 2019.

“It sounds like it’s an overcompensation. In the past [Hunter] may have felt there was something lacking and it seems like he bases a lot of his internalized value with his penis,” Alyson Cohen, a New York City-based psychotherapist who has treated clients with the disorder told The Post.


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