“Influencer” Who Posed Naked On Sacred Tree Deported From Bali
Too bad they didn’t just lock up this asshole and throw away the key. Not for posing naked on the tree, but for being an “influencer” (which isn’t actually a thing, as these people on Instagram “influence” absolutely nothing—except for maybe hatred and disgust). Via Yahoo:
Alina Fazleeva, who has over 18,000 followers on Instagram, staged a nude photoshoot in 2019 at a weeping paperbark tree inside Babakan temple grounds in the Tabanan Regency. She uploaded the photos, taken by her husband Andrey Fazleev, and in the caption described hearing “her ancestors’ voices” when she hugged the tree, saying that she had become a “part of an endless chain.”
Spare me.
Fazleeva’s Instagram posts were recently discovered by and enraged local Hindu-Buddhist Balinese communities. Balinese entrepreneur Niluh Djelantik then reported the photos to local police, prompting an investigation into the incident. Before Fazleeva turned herself in, she and her husband revisited the sacred tree with a local man to “ask its forgiveness.”
“Both of them are proven to have carried out activities that endanger public order and do not respect the local norms,” Bali Immigration Chief Jamaruli Manihuruk told reporters per Times Malta. “So they will be sanctioned with deportation.”