Iraq Bans Use Of The Words “Homosexuality” And “Gender,” To Be Replaced With “Sexual Deviance”

Posted August 10, 2023 by with 13 comments

Remember when the United States launched that illegal war to “free” the Iraqi people from tyranny and despair? Yeah, oh well. Perhaps taking a cue from DeSantis, this is Iraq’s very own “don’t say gay,” via NBC:

Iraq’s official media regulator on Tuesday ordered all media and social media companies operating in the Arab state not to use the term “homosexuality” and instead to say “sexual deviance,” a government spokesperson said and a document from the regulator shows.

The Iraqi Communications and Media Commission (CMC) document said that the use of the term “gender” was also banned. It prohibited all phone and internet companies licensed by it from using the terms in any of their mobile applications.


Who knew Arab states would be emulating Florida? I guess it makes sense, from one shithole country to another.

If you have the time and haven’t seen it yet, here was a devastating report from the BBC last year on what it’s like to be LGBT in Iraq:

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