Is This Real Life?

Posted November 26, 2013 by with 2 comments


The amount of unreleased Spencer Fox content continues to blow my mind. He may have retired in a blaze of anti-gay epithets two years ago and is probably locked away in a mental hospital (or jail) by now, but, I swear to God, 200 years from now when we’re all dead and the world has been taken over by robots or cockroaches (or both, hopefully), some 3rd rate gay porn studio in the Valley will still be releasing Spencer Fox movies. It’s too bad there won’t be anyone left on Earth to blog about them, let alone watch them (not that anyone’s watching them now!).

As you can see from the box cover images, gay porn’s most beloved and big-dicked psychopath is back, and he’s playing the title role in a new feature, Green Lantern Is Gay (I would’ve gone with Green Lantern is Bipolar). Spencer has brought along fellow long since retired stars Trevor Knight and Kirk Cummings, which I guess means this movie was shot in 2005?

Manville—the same studio that brought you that insane Batman parody—is behind this one, which includes costumes from Party City and special effects from a diorama I made in 1987. Watch the trailer at your own risk, and for the zero of you who want to buy it, enjoy!


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There is at least one good thing to come out of this movie, as Kirk Cummings just announced that he’s auctioning off a cast-autographed copy of the Green Lantern script to benefit a Colorado charity. And you have to wonder which is harder to believe: That Spencer Fox knew how to write his name or that this movie had a script?



[Manville: Green Lantern Is Gay]


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