Is Elephant-Cocked Jack Harrer BelAmi’s Biggest Power Bottom?

Posted March 24, 2014 by with 5 comments

027Having one of the biggest dicks at BelAmi doesn’t necessarily mean you get to be a top all the time. Just ask Jack Harrer. Actually, don’t ask him. He’s occupied right now.

I guess if I were him, I’d close my eyes and just deal with it the best I could, too?

029Philippe Gaudin isn’t quite as big as Jack Harrer, but he’s big enough, and today, Philippe Gaudin fucks Jack Harrer bareback as part of BelAmi’s “Xtra Big Dick Club Month.” Of course, Jack Harrer is no stranger to sitting on big dicks, as he’s also ridden Kris Evans, Lukas Ridgeston, Jim Kerouac, Paul Mekas, and perhaps the biggest BelAmi dick of all, the dick belonging to Trevor Yates.

Is Jack Harrer BelAmi’s biggest (literally and figuratively) power bottom? If almost always being rock hard and routinely shooting gigantic loads while being fucked is any indication, then yes. A brief history of Jack Harrer’s career as a big-dicked BelAmi bottom:

tumblr_mbhvq48YoL1qfq99mo1_500 tumblr_mjmbtaMTmc1qjzwvbo1_500 tumblr_mv8yd1W0ye1r4fwnxo1_400 tumblr_mv8xu6udrI1r4fwnxo1_400 tumblr_mu8aw8T52c1qjzwvbo1_500 tumblr_mp2x1nUZsf1rlvmxlo1_500 tumblr_mw4fbtYSF11rw3pgqo1_400 tumblr_mw4fdauuxz1rw3pgqo1_400 tumblr_my7y64uMPd1rqyrvoo1_400 tumblr_n1grlz6kiN1rc58l2o1_500Trailer for today’s update, Philippe Gaudin barebacks Jack Harrer (watch in full):

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[BelAmi: Philippe Gaudin Fucks Jack Harrer Bareback]

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