Today In Men Fucking Men In Front Of Their Wives: Jack Hunter, Jack Hunter’s Wife, And Leo Luckett
Another day, another gay porn scene featuring a married straight man being caught having gay sex with another man in front of his wife. Other than family members fucking (sons and dads, brothers and uncles, etc.), husbands cheating on wives with other men is the only thing most gay porn studios do now for plots, so don’t bother expecting anything else, ever. Today, it’s Jack Hunter cheating on his wife with one of his massage clients in “Secret Spa.” Because, don’t forget, gay sex must always remain a secret!
The least a gay porn studio could do is occasionally mix things up, and have the wife actually do something. If these female characters were given some agency, either by secretly organizing the gay affair or maybe even seeking revenge on a husband, it’d be a lot more interesting than them just walking in, seeing (or not seeing) something, and then storming out. A plot twist is of course asking for way too much, as the only point of these scenes is to humiliate women, and to recycle the antiquated gay porn trope that gay men are closeted and their homosexual sex must remain on the down low.
Trailer (watch full scene here):
[ Jack Hunter Fucks Leo Luckett]