WATCH: An Emotional Jake Bass Opens Up About His Past In Meet The Morecocks

Posted April 5, 2016 by with 46 comments

jakemCockyBoys’ docu-reality-porn series Meet The Morecocks continues today with its second episode—”The Jake Bass Experience”—and it offers a rare, emotional glimpse into the personal life of one of the industry’s most popular stars. In the clip below, Jake Bass shows viewers his home in Montreal and opens up about his turbulent adolescence, and it’s clearly a softer, sweeter side of the polarizing star that most have never seen.

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The full episode (watch here) is likely a dream come true for hardcore—and even passive—Jake Bass fans, as it brings them closer to him than they’ve ever been before. Credit to CockyBoys for continuing to humanize performers in such a natural and effective way.

Jake Bass Experience” is nearly an hour long, the first half being the reality show/documentary on CockyBoys and Bass, and the second half a hardcore sex scene between Bass and Darius Ferdynand, which features plenty of this:


[CockyBoys’ Meet The Morecocks: “The Jake Bass Experience”]

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