Here Are 18 Pictures Of James Jamesson, The Best Redheaded Gay Porn Star Of All Time

Posted March 16, 2021 by with 29 comments

Is it possible to still be obsessed with a gay porn star who retired nearly seven years ago? You bet your ass it is.

For my contribution to the collection of St. Patrick’s Day “hot redheaded gay porn star” articles—which you’ve seen a million times before (some of which I’ve written myself on this site!) and will probably see a million times again—here are 18 photos of the hottest and best redheaded gay porn star in the history of gay porn, the one and only James Jamesson.

James Jamesson performed primarily at NextDoorStudios during his gay porn career, which lasted for a far-too-brief five years, from 2009 to 2014.

James changed his look several times over the course of his career (which I‘ve covered before), and even now, I still cannot tell you which of his looks I find hotter.

From smooth and angelic jock to unkempt unabomber chic, every version of James Jamesson is complete perfection.

Would I die for James Jamesson? Let’s just say I wouldn’t not be opposed to staying alive if James Jamesson needed me to.

I met James Jamesson one time (and yes, he’s even more handsome in person), when I spotted him at the 2014 Hookies in New York City. Here he was with Boomer Banks:

“James Jamesson!” I shrieked like a fan girl (I was drunk, of course), and I probably scared him, but he seemed so surprised that anyone recognized him, and he was so genuinely humble and nice. He retired later that year, and gay porn was never the same.

James Jamesson never bottomed, but the self-sucking legend did cum on his own face several times.

Where is James Jamesson now? Well, he’s obviously retired and working in a different field, and from what I was able to find online, he seems to be doing great. While he’ll probably never return to gay porn, the best thing about people like James Jamesson is that their hotness lives on forever, not unlike my obsession with James Jamesson!

Which is my favorite James Jamesson scene? That’s impossible to say, as every James Jamesson scene is flawless, and choosing just one would be disrespectful to all the others. That said, I often revisit this duo, co-starring Paul Wagner:

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[NextDoor: James Jamesson Fucks Paul Wagner]

Do you have a favorite James Jamesson scene or James Jamesson look? If so, share it below. FYI: Any comment that is not supportive of the fact that James Jamesson is the best redheaded gay porn star of all time will be deleted.

All of James Jamesson’s NextDoor scenes are here.

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