Jealous Ex Laughs As He Tells Police He Shot Off Wife’s New Boyfriend’s Penis

Posted November 12, 2022 by with 0 comments

This happened in Thailand, the Florida of Southeast Asia, and while this video isn’t very exciting, it’s interesting to see how chill their police station is. They just lay the gun (the key piece of evidence and weapon used in the attack, obviously) down on a desk next to a phone, pen, papers, etc. Via DailyMail:


A jealous ex-husband laughed as he told police how he shot off his wife’s new lover’s penis with a handgun.

Bunteurm Oonkaew, 37, had been drinking with his own girlfriend when he flew into a rage and stormed over to his ex-wife’s home in Chumphon, southern Thailand, on Thursday night.

He pushed open the door before pointing the gun at Somchai Sakoolchai, 40, and blasting him in the groin, which Bunteurm claims was an accident.

Although he told officers the gun had gone off ‘by mistake’, he was remanded in custody on suspicion of attempted murder.

If he is found guilty of attempted murder Bunteurm could face a 15-year jail sentence.

Somchai was taken to hospital where he was conscious, but his penis was so badly wounded that medics fear it will not function again.

Bunteurm laughed as he told police: “I just came back from work and sat drinking alcohol in the room with my girlfriend before getting up and taking out the gun, which I keep in the cupboard.”

“I walked past my ex-wife’s house so I stopped to talk with her but I accidentally had the gun in my hand and pulled the trigger by mistake.”


The new lover is obviously completely innocent (and kind of hot—photos here), so it’s sad that his penis was shot off.

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