Joe Rogan Says He Shaves His Asshole And Can Suck His Own Cock

Posted November 13, 2021 by with 11 comments

Today in things you can never un-hear or un-see (or un-imagine, since thankfully we don’t have to actually see this), reality show host turned trusted medical expert for right-wing anti-vaxxers Joe Rogan discussed asshole shaving and sucking his own cock on a recent episode of his podcast. Rogan claims he realized he could fellate himself while shaving his asshole once, and although he says he never actually put his own penis in his mouth, he does say he “put it around my face” to prove to himself that he could suck his own dick, if he wanted to. I’m not sure which, if any, part of this is true, but coming from the guy who says he was cured of COVID thanks to horse dewormer pills, it’s safe to assume that all of this is in fact bullshit.

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