Joe The Plumber Dead

Posted August 28, 2023 by with 5 comments

Peace out, bitch. Via NPR:

Samuel “Joe” Wurzelbacher, who was thrust into the political spotlight as “Joe the Plumber” after questioning Barack Obama about his economic policies during the 2008 presidential campaign, and who later forayed into politics himself, has died, his son said Monday. He was 49. His family announced this year on an online fundraising site that he had pancreatic cancer.

In 2012, he made a bid for a U.S. House seat in Ohio, but he lost in a landslide to Democrat Marcy Kaptur in a district heavily tilted toward Democrats.

Republicans had recruited him to run and thought his fame would help bring in enough money to mount a serious challenge. But he drew criticism during the campaign for suggesting that the United States should build a fence at the Mexico border and “start shooting” at immigrants suspected of entering the country illegally.


As noted by NPR, the racist ghoul became famous when he confronted Barack Obama on the 2008 campaign trail. He later became, of course, a MAGA freak and a psycho gun nut. He even sent an insane letter in 2014 to parents of children who’d been slaughtered in a mass shooting, telling them, “As harsh as this sounds—your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights. We still have the Right to Bear Arms.” May he rot in hell.

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