Devy Fucks The Cum Out Of Joey Mills In “Buttering His Popcorn Part 2″—Is This Sequel Better Than The Original?
Is “Buttering His Popcorn Part 2” as good as “Buttering His Popcorn Part 1“?? Considering Str8UpGayPorn wrote the story and dialogue for both scenes, I’m probably too biased to answer that! But, I can definitely say that I love how this scene in the movie theater break room with Joey Mills (now a movie theater employee), Devy (the usher from Part 1), and the hot manager turned out. Here’s a clip:
After that set up, it’s time for concession stand sucking and fucking to begin, and if you hated watching the girlfriends freak out in Part 1, you’ll be happy to learn that no girlfriends were humiliated in the making of this sequel. In fact, the only person who actually catches Joey and Devy is the hot manager at the very end. (Too bad he didn’t join in…maybe a three-way for Part 3?)
The photo below shows something that actually does not happen in this movie, but you know they couldn’t resist staging this:
Back to the sex, things start with some oral, and if the sight of Devy’s perfect face (his eyes!) and Joey’s perfect cock isn’t the most beautiful combo of 2022 so far, I don’t know what is:
My apologies to Joey for telling MEN that I wanted him to be fucked inside of the popcorn machine. It probably wasn’t possible for him to be completely inside of the machine, but at least he’s partially in there:
Also, the popping popcorn falling down on him was a nice touch:
Pretty sure being naked and fucking on top of a concession stand violates every health department code in the state of California, but at least they look great doing it. And it must’ve felt really good for Joey, because this is when Devy fucks the cum out of him:
After hopping down, they fuck some more, but it’s soon time for Devy to cum in Joey’s mouth (and in a bucket of popcorn, of course):
I didn’t write this part, so Joey must’ve felt inspired and improvised? Bon appétit:
More from the best gay porn sequel of 2022 so far (which, I think I must admit, I liked more than Part 1!), including this picture of Devy, which is officially the best MEN photograph of 2022 so far (delicious popcorn and one of the hottest guys on earth in the same image? thank you):
Trailer (watch full scene here):