Gay Porn Before & After: Johnny Rapid

Posted June 19, 2017 by with 72 comments

jr5Wow! As seen on the left, it’s Johnny Rapid before (obviously), in his first scene ever released on, in November of 2011. On the right, it’s Johnny Rapid today in his new scene.

jr1Johnny’s short new haircut allows more of his facial features to stand out, and with the added beard, he’s gone from cute twink to hot hunk!

jr2What a difference six years make!

jr3A man!

While Johnny may have changed his look, don’t worry, he’s still the same reliable Johnny, doing the same fun things (riding dicks).

jr6Trailer (watch full scene here):

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
[ Johnny Rapid, Noah Jones, Leo Fuentes]


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