Here’s The Fucking Johnny Rapid Gay Porn Parody Of Fucking Pokemon

Posted August 31, 2016 by with 77 comments

FuckemongoNext to Donald Trump, the stupidest fucking bullshit that people won’t stop talking about in 2016 is Pokemon fucking Go. Well, I’m part of the fucking problem, because here’s the fucking promo for’s gay porn parody of Pokemon Go, “Fuckemon Go,” starring Johnny Rapid. Fuck.

fucke1The most fucked up part of all? They actually spent the fucking time to get the details right and make this look really good (for a gay porn parody), using the same ugly costumes, stupid music, and idiotic terminology. Or, at least I assume this looks good—I don’t know a god damn thing about Pokemon.

Johnny Rapid is somebody named “Ash”:


Will Braun is somebody named “Brock”:


Adam Bryant is something called “Pikachu”:

pk2 even spent time and money on some decent (again, for gay porn) special effects, and I suppose if I were the kind of motherfucking loser who played Pokemon, I would “appreciate” their efforts here.


Adam Bryant and Will Braun look good, and Johnny Rapid looks exceptionally hot here.

7 24 23 15Is Johnny tanner? Is he working out? Maybe it’s just the Photoshop.

Fuck this, I’m out.

fucke3fucke4Trailer (watch full scene here):

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
pause-sharp-outline pause-sharp-fill pause-rounded-outline pause-rounded-fill
[’s Fuckemon Go: Adam Bryant, Will Braun, Johnny Rapid]



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