Today In Gay Men Fucking In Movie Theaters With Popcorn Buckets And Disgusted Women: Justin Jett Tops Mika Ayden

Posted February 6, 2025 by with 12 comments

Move over “Buttering His Popcorn”! (Remember “Buttering His Popcorn“? Such simpler times! I miss when people were outraged by gay porn more regularly.) has a new gay porn scene today that was filmed in a movie theater with women, popcorn, and two guys sneakily having hardcore gay anal sex, and this one is called “We Cum To This Place For Magic,” which is obviously a nod to Nicole Kidman’s AMC ads. Unlike 2021’s “Buttering His Popcorn,” this scene is in a real theater, and given the stars, I assume it was shot somewhere in Europe? Here’s Justin Jett topping Mika Ayden while a woman and several other men are sitting nearby:

Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[ Justin Jett Fucks Mika Ayden Bareback]

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