Kanye West Has “Obsession” With Hitler, Wanted To Name Album After Him

Posted October 27, 2022 by with 9 comments

I’ve tried to avoid this idiot over the last month (not to mention the last 10 years—he’s always been a deranged freak looking for attention), but this is beyond insane. Via CNN:

Several people who were once close to the artist formerly known as Kanye West told CNN that he has long been fascinated by Adolf Hitler — and once wanted to name an album after the Nazi leader.

A business executive who worked for West, who now goes by Ye, told CNN that the artist created a hostile work environment, in part through his “obsession” with Hitler.

“He would praise Hitler by saying how incredible it was that he was able to accumulate so much power and would talk about all the great things he and the Nazi Party achieved for the German people,” the individual told CNN.

The executive told CNN that West spoke openly about reading “Mein Kampf,” Hitler’s 1925 autobiographical manifesto and expressed his “admiration” for the Nazis and Hitler for their use of propaganda.

This individual stated that people in West’s inner circle were “fully aware” of his interest in Hitler. Four sources told CNN that West had originally suggested the title “Hitler” for his 2018 album that eventually released as “Ye.” They did not want to be named, citing concern for professional retribution.


He’s lost all of his endorsements, representation, and record deals, so hopefully this will bankrupt him and permanently destroy whatever is left of his “career” (although, I’m not holding my breath). As this video from 2011 shows, West has long been obsessed with Hitler:

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