OOPS: Sean Cody Makes MAJOR Mistake

Posted March 8, 2014 by with 14 comments

tumblr_n1ebqgu5891t0wscvo1_1280In what can only be described as a major misstep, Sean Cody took Kellin, a model with perhaps one of the roundest, beefiest, most perfectly formed bubble butts in recent memory, and they…made him the TOP in his bareback debut??

11Kellin is new to the studio, so I guess he’s probably not “comfortable” with bottoming yet. So, he’s the top in his first duo scene out today, and it’s with Bryce (the infamous cum dump who got gangbanged in the recent bareback Mountain Getaway Orgy).

08That’s another shot of Kellin’s butt above. How could this ass be involved in any kind of gay porn and not be getting fucked immediately? Where is Jess, Cameron, or donkey-dicked Brooks to annihilate it?

kellin-sean-cody-2tumblr_n1w0fj4QUN1ql68gto1_1280If Kellin isn’t bottoming in his next scene, there’s something fishy going on.

kellin-sean-codyTrailer for Kellin fucks Bryce (watch in full):

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[Sean Cody: Kellin Barebacks Bryce]

ICYMI, Kellin’s solo (watch in full):

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
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[Sean Cody: Kellin]

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