Kevin Costner Shares Unboxing Video Of Golden Globe Trophy He Won For Yellowstone

Posted February 13, 2023 by with 5 comments

Kevin Costner unboxing his Golden Globe for his Best Actor win in Yellowstone is the corniest thing you’ll see today, but I suppose his sincerity is sweet. At the same time, giving so much praise to the most disgraced awards show on earth (other than the Grabbys) is kind of embarrassing, but maybe he’s been living under a rock and doesn’t know how pathetic the Globes are. Here’s Costner’s Instagram shared today:

Of course, Costner’s touching unboxing video and explanation of why he couldn’t be there is even more cringe when you watch Regina Hall presenting the award at the show last month and accepting it on Costner’s behalf—especially now knowing that he and his entire family watched this live? Yikes:

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