Killian James Tells Those Affected By Rentboy Raid To “Move On” And “Stop Living In The Past”

Posted September 28, 2015 by with 18 comments


If you’re one of the seven former Rentboy employees facing up to five years in prison and thousands of dollars in fines (not to mention unemployment and seized assets), don’t go looking for sympathy from gay porn star Killian James. The Hooker Stories star took to Twitter over the weekend to tell everyone affected by the Rentboy shutdown, arrests, and loss of wages to, basically, get over it:


While this might seem like an odd choice of words for someone like Killian James—a former award-winning Rentboy himself who’s now advertising his services as a prostitute on Rentmen and Men4RentNow (which is still technically illegal)—the NakedSword exclusive wasn’t afraid to double down on his anti-Rentboy remarks, posting a follow-up tweet to criticize the comparison of Rentboy to Stonewall:


It’s not clear who, if anyone, was making a Stonewall/Rentboy comparison, but those pushing for the decriminalization of prostitution (including Killian James’ own director at NakedSword, mr. Pam) might argue that sex workers’ rights are still worth fighting for. And, again, Killian James is a sex worker, which makes his comments that much more bizarre.

What prompted Killian James’ flippant attitude toward the Rentboy shutdown and arrests? It might have something to do with the (illegal) prostitution website he’s launching:

killian2Of course, this isn’t the first time that Killian James has been involved in controversy on Twitter.

Earlier this month, Killian James violated Twitter TOS by posting the phone number of someone he claimed was acting like an “asshole”:

killian1And last March, his own ex-boyfriend, Derek Crawford, suggested that Killian James use cocaine while filming a gay porn scene:



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