9 Things More Explosive Than A Kris Evans Cum Shot

Posted July 11, 2014 by with 5 comments

tumblr_n1zvk8yXP51qbjtyeo1_1280There’s no doubt about it: BelAmi’s Kris Evans has without question the best, most explosive cum shots in all of gay porn. And in his new scene released today (trailer below), Kris Evans busts perhaps the biggest nut he’s ever busted.

Watching Kris Evans blow a load is a biblical experience that you’ll never forget, and so to honor Kris’ explosive cum shots, here is a list of the only nine things in the entire universe that might be slightly more explosive.

tumblr_mvxcdlL63g1rw3pgqo1_400old-faithful-1Old Faithful might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


A 2-liter bottle of Diet Coke with Mentos might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


A Michael Bay movie might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


The Hindenburg disaster might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.

tumblr_mupcn2aN7o1sznk6ro3_r1_500MSH82_st_helens_plume_from_harrys_ridge_05-19-82A Mount St. Helens eruption might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


That Sperm Whale that exploded in the Faroe Islands might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.

tumblr_n8k112fvBk1qbjtyeo1_500universe big bangThe creation of the universe as a result of the Big Bang Theory might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


Your own head exploding at the sight of one of Kris Evans’ explosive cum shots might be slightly more explosive than a Kris Evans cum shot.


Trailer for today’s new BelAmi scene, starring Kevin Warhol (who is now a 5-time facial recipient of a Kris Evans cum shot), Vadim Farrell, Kris Evans, and an explosive Kris Evans cum shot (watch full scene here):

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[BelAmi: Kris Evan & Vadim Farrell Fuck Kevin Warhol]


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