Guess Which One Of These Men Is On Viagra

Posted April 18, 2016 by with 68 comments

gayhoopla-kyle-dean-sean-costin-01Here is today’s scene write-up for Kyle Dean and Sean Costin’s fuckfest, via GayHoopla:

Sean and Kyle are two of our most popular guys with the signature extremely good looking GayHoopla look. We couldn’t wait to see these men paired together for a naughty bone. Kyle had never seen an ass quite like Sean’s. He was memorized [sic] and couldn’t keep his hands to himself. Once Kyle slipped his rock hard Viagra cock into Sean, you see both of their eyes bulge.

Studios don’t typically (if ever?) disclose when their models are using performance-enhancing drugs—especially in their scene descriptions!—but hey, there’s a first time for everything. Also, Viagra requires a prescription, so the little blue pill that Kyle Dean popped for this scene presumably came from his own stash.

This raises two questions:

1. How was Kyle Dean—an 18-year-old muscle jock at his sexual peak—able to convince a doctor that he needed Viagra?

2. Who on Earth would need help getting an erection while being granted the opportunity to fuck Sean fucking Costin?!

gayhoopla-kyle-dean-sean-costin-06 gayhoopla-kyle-dean-sean-costin-08 gayhoopla-kyle-dean-sean-costin-19 gayhoopla-kyle-dean-sean-costin-21Viagra or not, the scene still delivers, and from a purely visual/physical perspective, the Kyle Dean/Sean Costin pairing is one of GayHoopla’s best ever. Trailer (watch full scene here):

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[GayHoopla: Kyle Dean Fucks Sean Costin]

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