L.A. Sheriff’s Deputy Heard On Open Mic Being Fucked While On Duty At Men’s Central Jail

Posted December 14, 2022 by with 1 comment

More worthless pigs—and the ones in Los Angeles are among the very worst in the nation—doing what they do best: Getting fucked up the ass. Well, in this case, it’s a female deputy being fucked up the pussy.

She left her radio on while she apparently went out to a parking structure near the L.A. jail where she was supposed to be working, and while another officer can be heard telling the pig that her mic was left on, nothing could stop her from getting her pussy wrecked. Via TMZ:

The audio, obtained by TMZ, could be heard over LASD airwaves this past weekend, and we’re told it came from a rookie female deputy working at the Men’s Central Jail that night. It sounds like, during a break in her shift, she got into some risky business.


Another clip from the same fuckfest below, in which the pig squeals, “You’re gonna rip my underwear!”

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