Las Vegas County Official Who Murdered Reporter Tried To Kill Himself Before Being Arrested

Posted September 8, 2022 by with 1 comment

This story just gets crazier every day, but I guess it’s par for the course when you’re dealing with politicians in a city as trashy as Vegas. Via NYDN:

The county official arrested in last week’s stabbing death of Las Vegas-based investigative reporter Jeff German was taken into custody with self-inflicted wounds, police said Thursday.

German had been investigating Robert Telles’ alleged doings when the journalist’s body was found outside his home on Saturday morning.

When they caught up with and arrested Telles, they found him with self-inflicted wounds, though his injuries were not considered life-threatening, said Captain Dori Koren of the Las Vegas police homicide unit, according to the Review-Journal.

Telles was allegedly lying in wait at the side of German’s house when the journalist went outside. German, 69, had been investigating reports of complaints against the 45-year-old Telles that alleged administrative bullying, favoritism and a possibly inappropriate relationship with a subordinate staffer.



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