Lauren Boebert’s Husband Has Meltdown After Being Served Divorce Papers

Posted May 17, 2023 by with 11 comments

Trouble in brain dead bimbo land. Lauren Boebert, a former Craigslist “model” turned United States congresswoman, has served her husband with divorce papers, and he did not take the news well. Via DailyBeast:

Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has filed to divorce her husband of two decades, according to court records obtained Tuesday by The Daily Beast.

The April 25 filing seeks to dissolve her marriage to Jayson Boebert, with whom she shares four sons. An affidavit of service, also obtained by The Daily Beast, indicate that Jayson Boebert appeared to be caught off guard by the court proceedings. He chased away a process server with an expletive-laden tirade and let his dogs loose when he was served with the divorce papers, the affidavit said.

“Once he learned that he was being served with Dissolution of Marriage papers he was extremely angry,” the process server wrote. “I tried to hand him the documents but [he] did not take them. He started yelling and using profanities, and told me that I was trespassing, and that he was calling the Sheriff’s Office. I told him I was leaving the documents on the chair outside of the door, he closed the door then let the dogs out.”

The document noted that Jayson was cleaning a gun and drinking a “tall glass of beer” when he was served.


More details at the link, including Jayson (of course it’s spelled “Jayson”) Boebert’s excuse that he thought the process server was a “crazy left wing person.”

The Boeberts have each been arrested multiple times—Lauren Boebert for reckless driving, disorderly conduct, siccing her dog on someone, and more; Jayson Boebert for beating the shit out of Lauren, and also for pulling out his penis in a bowling alley in front of teen girls—so given how on edge they clearly are right now, hopefully one or both of them will totally spiral out of control and get locked up again.

Photos of the MAGA lovebirds during happier times:

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