Leo Forte, Scared Of Cock?

Posted June 10, 2014 by with 1 comment

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_7Poor Leo Forte!

I’ve never known Leo Forte to get scared, but it looks like he finally met his match, by way of Boomer Banks’ cock.

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_8NakedSword just sent me these behind-the-scenes shots from their most recent release, Roommate Wanted, to coincide with the DVD release and the BTS episode up on their site.

If Leo Forte is so disturbed, maybe Johnny Rapid can lend him his eye mask?

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_6Or, maybe eating will distract him…

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_10I showed you Colby Keller’s episode a couple weeks ago. From far away, he’s even more God-like.

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_5All four original episodes from Roommate Wanted are on the site now, and I think this one is my favorite.

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_11It’s the one with Liam Harkmoore and Dylan Knight.

NSV024_RoommateWanted_BTS_affilHorz_12Trailer for Liam and Dylan’s episode (watch in full here):

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
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[NakedSword: Roommate Wanted]


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