Life In America: Stage 4 Cancer Patient Harassed And Spit On For Wearing Face Mask At Auto Repair Shop

Posted June 13, 2024 by with 7 comments

Story above via WRAL in North Carolina, where the state has a pending law that would criminalize the use of face masks, unless being worn for health reasons. While the “exemption” for people with medical conditions is a nice modification that was added to the bill, it’s pointless now, given that the law is deliberately intended to create more hatred, division, and politicization of someone’s desire to avoid contracting a deadly vascular disease that causes heart attacks, strokes, and hundreds of other life threatening conditions. Imagine you’re in your car and sitting at a red light when the person in the car next to you suddenly starts violently honking, pointing, and screaming at you for… wearing your seat belt. The deranged reaction to face masks is exactly the same thing, and it’s being fueled by politicians. America: Truly the most psychotic shithole country on earth.

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