Lindsey Graham Booed Relentlessly While Being Introduced By Trump At Campaign Rally

Posted February 24, 2024 by with 5 comments

This was earlier tonight during Trump’s victory speech in South Carolina following the state primary, and while it’s so funny to see, it still doesn’t make any sense. Trump doesn’t need the closeted homosexual and he does absolutely nothing for his campaign (the MAGAts literally hate Graham, as you can hear), so why trot him out like this all the time? I guess just to keep him close and in line? We know that Trump is blackmailing Graham over the fact that he’s a faggot who pays men to fuck him, so maybe this is just part of their deal. Trump gets to humiliate Graham in public over and over again, not because it helps him with voters, but simply because it’s funny and he gets a rise out of it. Truly psychotic shit.

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