Low Attendance At MAGA-Themed CPAC Called An “Embarrassment”

Posted February 23, 2024 by with 5 comments

Via Mediaite:

The crowd, or lack thereof, at the Conservative Political Action Conference outside of Washington, DC raised eyebrows on Thursday as journalists and pundits across the political spectrum documented the poor turnout.

CPAC’s relevance has come under question in recent years as the event no longer includes a cross-section of the GOP and many of the speakers this year are fringe right-wing media figures like Steve Bannon, Mike Lindell, and conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec.

The conference, which used to draw top elected Republicans and every GOP presidential contender, is only attended by one sitting governor and a handful of members of Congress this year.

I believe Trump is set to address the “crowd” this weekend, which should be yet another gaffe-filled shitshow. Maybe he’ll confuse Liz Cheney for Hillary Clinton.

Here’s neo-Nazi psycho Jack Posobiec at CPAC yesterday “joking” about how he’s hoping for the end of Democracy, and note that he’s being giggled at by deranged/drunken pig (and convicted felon) Steve Bannon, who I guess is still free while he’s appealing his prison sentence:

Finally, on a somewhat related note, the video below isn’t about CPAC, but it is about Republicans, and it’s perhaps the greatest The Onion video of all time. It was released in 2012 around the time of that year’s Republican National Convention, when Mitt Romney was the GOP presidential candidate, and the facts about Republicans presented here still ring true over a decade later:

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