MAGA Congressional Candidate Thinks “Banana Republics” Are Clothing Stores

Posted August 16, 2022 by with 6 comments

Get ready for Madison Cawthorn 2.0, as yet another brain dead MAGA douche is running for congress, and this one thinks recent political talking points calling the United States a “banana republic” (made by fellow MAGA clowns in response to the FBI search of Trump’s residence in Florida) are meant to compare the United States to Banana Republic the clothing store, not “banana republic” the political science term referring to unstable third world countries. His name is Bo (of course his name is Bo) Hines, he’s running for a seat in North Carolina, and he’s as fuckably dumb as they come:

Via Mediaite:

Trump-endorsed Republican congressional candidate Bo Hines made a cringeworthy gaffe while trying to deride President Joe Biden’s mental sharpness, misusing the popular political expression “banana republic.”

Hines is the former football player who was endorsed by former President Donald Trump in March, and defeated his next-closest competitor by ten points in the North Carolina 13th district Republican primary.

“Bo Hines is an unwavering America First patriot and he has my Complete and Total Endorsement!” Trump wrote in his endorsement message.


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